"The Precast Masters" Since 1989

Holbrook’s Precast, Inc. began operations in Killawog, New York in 1989. We are American Family Owned and Operated by Jeff and Kim Holbrook. The business is built around a family of success. Located in a mid-upstate area of New York, surrounded by lots of country, Holbrook’s Precast, Inc. is a quality manufacturer of precast concrete items for highways, residential construction, septic systems, along with home landscaping. In addition, we manufacture many agriculture products.

Our Products

Holbrook’s Precast, Inc. offers a variety of concrete products to suit your needs. Please be advised more products are for sale besides what is listed. Please call if you would like any information on any of our products.

Our Employees Define Us

We provide in-house training to assist employees in acquiring the talents necessary to successfully complete their jobs. Holbrook’s Precast, Inc. also offers on-going Safety Programs, which are vital in protecting our primary assets—our employees.


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